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the 8th Cerebellum Club Days in the CURIB building (Mont-Saint-Aignan) on February 6 and 7, 2025 Posté le 08/01/2025, 17:19 Dear colleagues, As the new year begins, I'd like to wish you all the best for 2025, and I am pleased to inform you that, the Cancer and Brain Genomics lab (INSERM U1245), in collaboration with PRIMACEN, is organizing the 8th Cerebellum Club Days in the CURIB building (Mont-Saint-Aignan) on February 6 and 7, 2025. The scientific program includes the participation of two keynote speakers, Christian Hansel and Marie Sepp from the Universities of Chicago and Heidelberg respectively, and presentations by young researchers. Moreover, this year we've given a special place to imaging with industrial partners taking part in the “Neuro-BioImaging” session. The full program and registration information are available here: Registrations and abstracts (for posters only) will be accepted until January 15, 6 p.m. at the latest. We look forward to seeing you there, Delphine Burel and Ludovic Galas
Journée Expérimentation Animale IRIB Posté le 05/12/2024, 15:49 Toutes les actualités |
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